The excessive use of ODS and HFCs in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment has led to the accumulation of large global banks, known as “ODS and HFC Banks” (waste containing these substances such as old fridges, air conditioners, etc.). The annual emissions from these banks are equivalent to the carbon dioxide produced by over 440 coal power plants.
The global IKI-project ODS Banks offers strategies and best practices for the sustainable management of these banks, assisting partner countries in developing national systems for managing ODS contained in old cooling equipment. The project focuses on the waste management of appliances containing ODS and HFCs, as the most significant emissions occur when refrigerants leak during disposal. By reducing emissions from ODS and HFC banks, which have a very high global warming potential, the project significantly contributes to the fulfilment of mitigation targets and NDCs of partner countries.
To support the establishment of effective collection, recovery, and destruction procedures in partner countries, the project helps to improve existing conditions by transferring best practices and technologies for managing and destroying ODS banks. This includes policy advisory, technology transfer, and capacity-building activities, such as training for trainers and refrigeration technicians, stakeholder workshops, and the development of sustainable financial mechanisms. Moreover, the project has developed guidelines on ODS bank inventories, policies, collection systems, and the transboundary movement of ODS waste.
Since 2022, HEAT has been an active member of COPA and supports the development of comprehensive solutions that integrate financing, policymaking, and expertise in recovery, reclamation, and destruction technologies, combined with practical experience in the cooling sector.