Management and destruction of existing ozone depleting substances in ODS banks – Supporting the Climate and Ozone Protection Allicance (COPA)


The excessive use of ODS and HFCs in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment has led to the accumulation of large global banks, known as “ODS and HFC Banks” (waste containing these substances such as old fridges, air conditioners, etc.). The annual emissions from these banks are equivalent to the carbon dioxide produced by over 440 coal power plants.

The global IKI-project ODS Banks offers strategies and best practices for the sustainable management of these banks, assisting partner countries in developing national systems for managing ODS contained in old cooling equipment. The project focuses on the waste management of appliances containing ODS and HFCs, as the most significant emissions occur when refrigerants leak during disposal. By reducing emissions from ODS and HFC banks, which have a very high global warming potential, the project significantly contributes to the fulfilment of mitigation targets and NDCs of partner countries.


To support the establishment of effective collection, recovery, and destruction procedures in partner countries, the project helps to improve existing conditions by transferring best practices and technologies for managing and destroying ODS banks. This includes policy advisory, technology transfer, and capacity-building activities, such as training for trainers and refrigeration technicians, stakeholder workshops, and the development of sustainable financial mechanisms. Moreover, the project has developed guidelines on ODS bank inventories, policies, collection systems, and the transboundary movement of ODS waste.

Since 2022, HEAT has been an active member of COPA and supports the development of comprehensive solutions that integrate financing, policymaking, and expertise in recovery, reclamation, and destruction technologies, combined with practical experience in the cooling sector.

Project Facts

Client: GIZ
Partner: Environmental Protection Agency – Ghana, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO) – China; Ministry of Ecology and Environment – China; Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development (MinAmbiente) – Colombia; Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) - Ghana
Period: 07/2014 -12/2024
Volume: 1.000,512 Euro
Last update 11/2024

Main outcomes:

  • Development of a status-quo analysis for all partner countries
  • Organisation of a study tour for Ozone Protection Officers to German and European ODS Banks, management and destruction technologies
  • Development and presentation of publications, papers and practical guidelines on ODS banks management (see publication section) at international events
  • Development of a methodology for taking ODS inventories and presentation at international events
  • Development of Inventories in Colombia, Tunisia, Iran, Ghana and the Dominican Republic, with strong stakeholder participation
  • Implementation of a study trip for partners from Ghana and Colombia to the WRF in Geneva, Switzerland, local refrigerator recyclers and authorities
  • Publication of a project short film illustrating the ODS banks problem in English and features subtitles in English, French, Spanish and Farsi
  • Completion of national ODS Banks inventory reports in Colombia, Tunisia, Ghana, Iran and the Dominican Republic.
  • Organisation of a workshop on inventory and MRV systems in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, aiming to develop sustainable inventory and MRV systems within the NDC strategy
  • Two degasing installations were supplied to Colombia, installed and put into operation. 11 technicians of local waste management companies were trained in professional application of degasing installations
  • Presentation of the Tunisian National Roadmap for the implementation of ODS banks management
  • Implementation of an online training on Green Cooling strategies, including ODS Banks inventories and MRV systems with the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centre for the Caribbean and other GIZ Proklima projects
  • Implementation of a workshop on regional cooperation possibilities for Halocarbons elimination with approximately 50 participants from African countries
  • Launch of the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) in July 2022

Project publications

Copy of HEAT Web Publication preview pic 31
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Recycling of Refrigerants from Mobile Air Conditioners – Methodology and Results from a Pilot in South China

Copy of HEAT Web Publication preview pic 32
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Demonstration Report on Refrigerant Recycling in China’s Automotive Maintenance Industry

Copy of HEAT Web Publication preview pic 29
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

ODS/HFC Reclamation and Destruction Technologies – A review for Article 5 Countries

Copy of HEAT Web Publication preview pic 30
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

COPA Financing and Fundraising Mechanism: A Review and Concept

Publication cover Global roadmap on ODS bank management
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Global roadmap on ODS banks management

Publication cover page Management and Destruction of existing ODS banks
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Dismantling of Refrigerators and Air Conditioners- Guideline to the Manual

Publication cover page Guideline to conduct an ODS bank inventory
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Guideline to conduct an ODS bank inventory

Preview Guideline ODS Policy
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Guideline on policy measures for the management and destruction of ozone depleting substances

Cover page Guideline to establish a collection system for equipment containing ODS
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Guideline to establish a collection system for equipment containing ODS

Publication ODS Bank Guideline for the transboundary movement of ODS waste
Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Guideline for the transboundary movement of ODS waste


irene edit
Senior Consultant | Business Area Coordinator Climate Action