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Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Heating, Cooling & Buildings

Our projects and activities in the Heating, Cooling, and Buildings (HCB) business area, demonstrate our commitment to helping clients transition to a low-carbon future. We provide technical assistance, capacity building as well as engineering and policy advice in a wide range of transformative technologies in the HCB sector.

Our expertise in this area allows us to provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. For example, we have implemented the Green Chiller NAMA in Indonesia, which has helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the cooling sector by promoting the use of natural refrigerants. We have also been involved in the development of the National Cooling Action Plan (NCAP) in several countries, including Kazakhstan, Lebanon, and Nigeria. The NCAP provides a roadmap for transitioning to more sustainable and energy-efficient cooling systems. In addition to this, we have advised countries on Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Labels for cooling appliances with relevant projects in India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, but also in countries throughout central Asia, Africa and Latin America.

For over 25 years, HEAT has been providing advice to GIZ and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation on the introduction of climate-friendly alternatives under the Montreal Protocol, including the promotion of low-GWP (global warming potential), natural refrigerants and the development of training programs for technicians and service providers.

Policy consulting – Ozone layer protection

Protecting the environment, the climate and the ozone layer is the core of our policy related work. Since 1992, we have been actively involved in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in terms of substances depleting the Ozone Layer (1987). Together with our partners, we have carried out more than 300 projects in over 30 countries related to HCFC Phase-Out-Management Plans (HPMPs) within the framework of the Montreal Protocol.

Our interdisciplinary team supports national and international government organizations by compiling guidelines and road maps on HCFC and HFC phase out strategies for developed and developing countries. We not only give advice on phase-out strategies for environmentally harmful substances, actively work on new standards, regulations and laws, but also assess possibilities for legal enforcement.


Within the scope of the UNFCCC and other environmental framework conventions, the compilation of inventories is an important step towards identifying climate damaging processes and technologies, choosing alternatives and evaluating mitigation potentials.

We conduct inventories according to IPCC methodology guidelines. Moreover, we support partners with capacity building in this area. We have carried out sectoral inventories and mitigation pathways in the following countries: Viet Nam, Thailand, The Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia.

Technology Transfer and Capacity Building

One of our main goals is the dissemination and transfer of knowledge on environmentally safe technologies.

We offer our clients a substantial network of technology partners and initiate industrial contacts on a global level. By planning and realising new technologies, we guarantee our clients expertise in implementing mitigation and adaptation measures. With over 20 years of experience in the sector, we have built sustainable and trustful partnerships, enabling us to bring together stakeholders from different backgrounds.

Involving regional stakeholders from industry, government organizations and the private sector, we support local communities in gaining specific technological know-how.

By actively transferring practical knowledge about green technologies, we facilitate the process of capacity building and development of vital know-how in partner countries. To ensure the continuous benefits of implemented environmentally safe technologies, we offer our expert services in training professionals on site to generate sustainable local knowledge.

Policy consulting - EU and national environmental policy

We advise our clients in various fields of national and European policy. Our focus is on the development of sustainable policy frameworks advancing the introduction and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

We assist governments to develop sector specific emission reduction strategies. For instance, we developed a strategy for the safe use of hydrocarbon refrigerants, making a significant contribution to the German climate goal.

Research and studies

In a world with an ever-growing demand for natural resources, advising companies and international decision makers on alternative sustainable technologies has gained major relevance. Our team offers expert knowledge and insights on environmentally friendly technologies as well as sector and market developments.

For our public and private sector clients, we compile sector studies, technical publications and assessment studies.

On behalf of our corporate clients, we conduct industry networking, liaise with NGOs and give policy advice to industry stakeholders. Furthermore, we promote the development of R&D strategies in the context of international climate conventions.

One example for our current activities is the Refrigerants, Naturally! initiative.
